APA Referencing: A tiny guide

“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

While referencing styles can sometimes becomes complicated, they are not all that bad. Here is a quick guide to the APA referencing style. This referencing style is quite common and is mostly used in the field of humanities, social sciences, and arts.

Referencing has two aspects. The first is when you are quoting directly or paraphrasing in the main body of your essay or work. When paraphrasing it is known as In-text Citation or In-text Referencing. The other would be at the end of the document in the reference list.

In-text reference format:

There are two forms of in-text referencing that require different ways of presentation of the citation. If you are directly quoting, you can either include the name of the Author’s name, date, and page number at the end of the quote. In this case, place the direct quote within inverted commas.

“Discrimination-used in this way that captures both its negative and its positive connotations-is both ubiquitous and necessary” (Hellman, 2008, p. 2)

Another method of placing a direct quote in your text is using the author’s name elsewhere in the text. Here the name is followed directly by the date, then the quotation in inverted commas, and lastly the page number.

Hellman (2008) asserted that “Discrimination-used in this way that captures both its negative and its positive connotations-is both ubiquitous and necessary” (p. 2)

If, however you choose to summarize the quote, or paraphrase it, then, you are not required to include the page number. Place the author’s surname and year of publication at the end of the text in round brackets within the text of your writing. Make sure you separate them with a comma in between. When you choose to add the reference in the sentence then simply add the date of publication right after the name, within round brackets.

If discrimination is considered in the aforementioned way, it’s necessity and frequency in the social set up becomes quite evident (Hellman, 2008).


Hellman (2008) believes that If discrimination is considered in the aforementioned way, it’s necessity and frequency in the social set up becomes quite evident.

Reference list format:

In a reference list, you place the references of all the sources that you have used during the process of writing your essay. It has all the details needed, including the title of the publication and the place of publishing. It is placed at the end of the essay or assignment and is arranged in an alphabetical order.

Make sure that the formatting is such that the second and subsequent line of each reference is indented. As for the format of the sentence, if you can remember APTEP, you’ll be golden! APTEP stands for: Author. Publication Date. Title of the publication. Edition. Publication.

Hellman, D. (2008). When is discrimination wrong?. Harvard University Press.

The rules to the APA referencing style are simple and straightforward. Keep these rules in mind and your essay writing journey will become much easier! Keep learning with us and keep moving forward.

All the best!